Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Methuselah Lives!

Well, garden time is upon us again, and the Purple Pepper Plant (say that 5 times...) is blooming. This is Methuselah's third season with us (what? you don't name your plants? or keep them inside for the winter?) and since he's long since given up on getting bigger he just sets on tons of blooms.
I removed the last of the summer's fruit (last summer's BTW) which was turning red from time on the vine! it was sweet and crisp, just as they should be. They should not however be one inch across, but it was getting by on very little sunlight.
I'll be giving it some fertilizer soon, and watching the volunteer tomatillos at it's base. Soon it will go out to the balcony. Three hours of sunlight every afternoon, instead of two each morning *.*

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