Sunday, February 13, 2011

Greening for Spring!

To get the most out of my garden I start my own seedlings, the season is short here and getting sturdy plants out as early as possible makes for a successful season. I've been picking out seeds and plotting where to plant things

So I gathered some old windows, some porch door glass, and scrap wood from behind the shed and in my parents garage... I had to buy a few pieces of hardware, but everything else was already around the house!

I cleared and prepared the spot, right off the side of the back porch. I leveled some bricks to make a nice base and keep my wood parts out of the dirt, then it snowed. Nay, it more than snowed - it dumped! And the temperatures were -15 at night, so I put construction on hold far a few weeks.
But this weekend was beautiful, the snow has been melting and temperatures were back up. So I got out the tools and put it all together - my very own little green house! I'll be able to start seeds in it as soon as the soil in my boxes warms up, then I'll be sitting pretty with big lush starter plants come April when we start putting things out.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow! That is a great idea. You must be handy with a hammer!