Friday, November 2, 2012

Samhain Workday

 Usually it's not good to start things this time of year, but it is a smart idea to finish up projects and put things to bed!

I spent much of the day digging under frozen plants in my garden and covering them with fresh compost to prepare the soil for next year. This mirrors the work our ancestors have done for millennium, laying aside the fields for the winter.

 Then I covered it up with leaves to mulch it and add more material to compost in the winter months. Naturally I had a lot more leaves than I needed for this, so they quadrupled the size of my mulch pile!
 It's also an important time to put up food for the cold months. I've been receiving a bag of apples each week from our Farm Share, and the pile is growing! I decided it was pie time...
But not to eat all at once, I want pie all winter long. I like to prepare fruit so it's ready for use, I use little pie pans to freeze fillings in the perfect shape. After it's frozen I take it out of the pans and seal the bags, I already have piles of peach fillings from earlier in the summer.

It seems so natural to be doing these task this time of year, my oven was full all afternoon preparing the fruits of the season. What are you doing in the dark time of the year?

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