Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Delicious Omiyagi

So tonight was Kaiwa club - a local Japanese conversation group. A member had just been to Japan and brought back traditional omiyage (souvenirs) which is almost always local specialty food. Over the years we have had fancy rice cracker and wasabi flavored things, but my favorite is the mochi daifuku. Usually it is a sweet red bean paste covered in mochi - rice pounded to a fine squishy mass. I can buy some locally, even a variety with marshmallow filling in with the adzuki beans, but these were the best type ever... white chocolate filling! Creamy, buttery sweet goodness in squishy mochi shell - umai! So if anyone knows where to get these locally I am searching...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...I love mochi, but never like the fillings...I'd love to find out where locally I could find that too!! I'll do some searching.