In the coldest darkest time of year, just after the winter's solstice, the days and nights are blues and hazy grays. But the beauty of the season can be enjoyed with a cup of hot tea! This photo from
Raceytay of a starry eve with bare branches and a fuzzy sky is all the joys of January...

More fun things for us makers! These glass beads in swirls of blue white and soft gold match the days outside.
JavaBead has this set of jewelry maker's wonders in a solstice colorway ready to be made into winter adornments.

A little frost sprite to bring the icyness inside?
Mamaroots has lots of cute wooden friends, and this winter spirit is every bit as cute as the rest of them. The natural wood and light color mean they are good playthings, but also cute as playthings for adults!

And this satiny yarn in muted tones, so lovely and so delicate...
FiberOptica offers this lace weight yarn for your winter knitting pleasure, imagine a faboo scarf in these colors! The subtle colors would go with a black and white outfit, or trail on top of bright wardrobe.

It's late for a solstice tree, but this lovely painted globe could be hung anytime.
GwydionsGarden captures the soft light and hazy sun of a winter's day perfectly on this shimmery orb. I little gem makes for extra bling, and what girl can resist shinies?

To keep those hands warm on chilly winter nights, and keep with the feeling of the season, check out these woolen wristies from
Miabaggali . Upcycled from a Scandinavian style sweater the cool tones and snowflake motif are perfect for the solstice time...

And in the dark of winter, a cold clear night with shining stars! This neck piece from
Knobbly in lovely navy blue with sparkle truly is reminiscent of an astronomical scene. The long nights won't last forever, but this will always look good.