Then they pay you to look at their ads. No really, they do. They work on the "impressions and clicks" method. You get paid to see the ad line, and if you decide to click and go check out the website you get paid for that too!
First off, it's very interesting to see what advertisers think I'm their target audience (rent designer purses?). It is also cool to well, discover some new stuff, you may actually have an advertiser that you want to buy from! That is the point of advertising after all. But you never have to buy anything, just look.
It really pays, I had a buck and change deposited into my Paypal account after a few days. Not a scam, not stealing money from you (so far).
It will not make you rich, it does not pay that much!
It is a great way to make a little cash (I intend to use mine to buy advertising of my own for my etsy site)
If you sign up with this link I get paid, one cent everytime you get paid, up to a dollar. Yes I will make money by you clicking this link, but it's not much and I would not recommend this if I didn't think it had some potential...
I think this is a cool concept and I hope it grows! Check it out and see what it's all about.